Aapka Business bhi Digital Paar Hai.

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25A Karnani Mansion, Park Street Kolkata-700016


Looking to accelerate the growth of your company? Look nowhere else! Skaly Infotech is coming to completely change the way you generate leads.

We specialize in converting clicks into conversions and connections into customers owing to our cutting-edge techniques and tech-savvy wizards.

Rahul, a 24-year-old member of the new generation, discovered a Chinese restaurant on Instagram and went there since the cuisine was said to be delicious. Unfortunately, because it doesn't have a website, a nearby Chinese restaurant loses out on potential customers. Targeted Facebook and Instagram marketing might assist overcome this gap by increasing the restaurant's online visibility and luring more consumers to its location.

Bid farewell to lost chances and welcome to a glut of quality leads! Our team of marketing masters is committed to developing campaigns that are compelling, capture interest, and motivate action.

We at Skaly Infotech recognize that leads are your company's lifeblood. We make use of data-driven insights and domain knowledge to generate outcomes that will turn your competition green with envy.

Ready to experience the magic of lead generating for yourself?

Contact Skaly Infotech right away to see your company reach new heights!


There will be difficulty in bringing new clients and sales prospects without lead generation.

The chance to turn prospects into paying clients is provided by lead generation.

Both the quantity and quality of leads are crucial for cash flow and business success.

Lead generation isn't only about selling; it may also be about turning website visitors into buyers.

Businesses may use lead generation to increase market share, customer base size, number of customer reviews, chances for new business, revenue, and lead quality.


1. By Launching Captivating Lead Magnet Offers: With this tactic, we provide potential clients with something worthwhile in return for their contact information. Free webinars, consultations, and discount vouchers are a few examples. Ensuring that your lead magnet speaks to your target, demonstrates your expertise, and addresses an issue they may be experiencing is our duty.

2. We share Testimonials as Social Proof: Social proof is an effective strategy for gaining the confidence and trust of potential clients. On our social media pages, we will post endorsements, reviews, and case studies from satisfied clients to convince others that your product or service is worthwhile..

3. Using Instagram Lead Ads to get contact information from the platform directly: Instagram Lead Ads are a great way to do this. We may make advertising that is specifically displayed to those most likely to be interested in your good or service.

4. By making the most of your bio link as it is the sole clickable link on your Instagram profile: To get users to visit your website or landing page, we use a call-to-action.

5. To target particular audiences based on demographics, interests, and behaviours, we create targeted ads using paid social media advertising. You are able to connect with those who are most likely to be interested in your good or service by doing this.

6. We Create a Landing Page that Performs: After drawing in leads, you must turn them into paying clients. Creating a landing page that lives up to your lead magnet's promise. We make it simple for them to join up, and then use convincing content and graphics to persuade them to proceed.

The process we follow:

Identifying the target audience is the first step in determining who the customer is trying to reach. This entails investigating the potential consumers' demographics, interests, behaviours, and pain issues.


Making a great lead magnet offer that will appeal to the target audience and persuade them to give their contact information- We develop a captivating lead magnet offer. Free trials, eBooks, whitepapers, webinars, and other resources are examples of lead magnets.


We Share Testimonials as Social Proof- In order to create trust and increase social proof, we share customer testimonials.


We then use Instagram Lead Ads to reach the target audience and immediately gather contact information by using Instagram Lead Ads.


Improve the bio link: On Instagram and other social media sites, we improve the bio link to send visitors to a landing page that offers additional details about the lead magnet offer and promotes sign-ups.


To reach the desired demographic on numerous social media networks, we use tailored advertising. We also use targeting choices like lookalike audiences, demographics, interests, and behaviours.


To encourage users to take action, such as signing up for the lead magnet offer or scheduling a consultation, add action buttons to the social network accounts.


We use influencer marketing to promote your business and products. Influencer marketing entails collaborating with influencers that have a huge following on social media platforms. You may reach a larger audience and improve your chances of generating leads by partnering with influencers.


Run social media contests: Contests on social media are a great method to interact with your audience and get leads. We motivate your followers to share your post, tag their friends, and enter the contest by providing a reward or other incentive. Your social media following will increase and get leads with this.


Create a landing page that accomplishes: Creating a landing page that fulfils the lead magnet promise and motivates consumers to take more action, such as completing a purchase or signing up for a newsletter is very important.


Following this procedure enables social media firms to efficiently create leads across different social media platforms, eventually assisting businesses in expanding and increasing income.